
Optical Power Handling: 300 W
Aperture: 16 mm
Switching Speed: 50 ms
LIDT: 15 J/cm^2 @ 10ns
Optics: Metal or Dielectric
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LST800 Safety Interlock Shutter and Pulse Gating

Joule Level Pulses/Gating
Laser Safety Interlock
Thin Zones
LSTXYW8 Upgrade
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Optical Specifications

Aperture Diameter 16 mm
Typical Beam Diameter 1 – 14 mm
Maximum Optical Power Handling 300 W
(+50 W Requires Water Cooling)
Optics Options Gold, Aluminum, or Dielectric
Dielectric Optics Suffix 1064 nm (-1), 532 nm (-2),
355 nm (-3), 266 nm (-4)
Metal Optics Suffix CO2 (-C2), IR (-IR), STD (-AL)
Laser Induced Damage Threshold 15 J/cm2 at 10 ns (Dielectric Optics)

Performance Specifications

Open Delay Time 10 ms
Open Rise Time 40 ms
Total Open Time 50 ms
Close Delay Time 10 ms
Close Fall Time 40 ms
Close Total Time 50 ms
Minimum FWHM Exposure Capability 100 ms
Maximum Shutter Repetition Rate 3 Hz

Thermal Specifications

Thermal Power Dissipation Holding Open 6 W
Thermal Power Dissipation, Repetitive Cycling 15 W @ 3 Hz
Mounting Surface for Thermal Sinking Datum A

Custom Options

Optics Gold, Aluminum, or Dielectric
Wire Length, Cable Type Any 6-C cable length
Connector Any 6-Pin Connector, MTA Std.
Identification Engraving, Labels

Electrical Specifications

Power Supply 24 VDC, 3 AMP RATING
Optimum Electrical Drive Circuit Boost Open = 24 V 40 ms
Boost Ramp-Up = 15 ms
Hold Open = 7 V
Delay = 16 ms
Brake = 24 V for 10 ms
Recommended Controller CX4000B
Shutter Winding Resistance 8 ohms Nominal
Nominal Winding Inductance 25 mH
Position Sensors Micro-switch PN 311SM706-T
Cable/Wire Type, No.,
Length, Termination
6-C cable, Six wires, 22 g,
6 ft., MTA-100 or flying leads

Wire Pin # - Color

1 – White Power Winding (+)
2 – Black Power Winding (-)
3 – 4 – Red/Orange Pair Open Switch,
Reads Continuity When Shutter Open
5 – 6 – Blue/Green Pair Closed Switch,
Reads Continuity When Shutter Closed


Dimensions 6 in. x 1 in. x 4 in.
Weight ~1.5 lb.
Classification Safety/Pulse Gating
Gravity Considerations Mounting Orientation will affect
amount of power used to open.
Not designed for upside-down mounting.
Specifications Date Dec. 7, 2023


The LST800 model is designed for use primarily as a safety interlock shutter and pulse gating for YAG and similar solid-state lasers with high Q-Switched energy per pulse. It uses dielectric optics from world-leading coating suppliers, providing damage thresholds of 5 J/cm2 at 355 nm to 15 J/cm2 at 1064 nm for low ns laser pulses. The redirected energy is diffused thru UV grade fused silica, then absorbed inside the shutter. The 50 msec switching speed allows it to extract single pulses from lasers pulse trains up to 10 Hz. Closing settling time depends on orientation with regards to gravity. For fastest closure, use the magnetically damped CX4000B controller PCB or user-built circuits designed around 24 VDC. Options are available using a suffix code system. Many options cannot be installed after manufacture, so choose carefully. Standard 1.000” round dielectric optics on 1 mm substrates are used from major industry suppliers. Mirrors are bonded into our moving assembly. Use suffix –1 for 1064 nm, -2 for 532 nm, -3 for 355 nm, and -4 for 266 nm harmonic mirror for lower damage threshold (see LST800-1,2,3,4). Use –C2 for CO2 use (see LST800-C2), -800 for Ti:Sapphire. 20 mm large aperture diameter is also available (see LST800-20mm). Additional mirrors are available for specific laser lines. Contact our application engineers. Referring to the plane of the Base Plate, CX4000B controller can be calibrated for horizontal or vertical calibration. Horizontal is the default (as shown in product photo). Circuits not using dampening on closure will generate longer settling times for closure spec, up to 100 msec maximum. Special Considerations for this model include precautions to use proper laser with installed mirror, and add chiller plate accessory for loads over 50 watts. Beam tube abutment to input/output is typical; diffuse back-scatter is a little higher on this model than on others due to compact thickness. Restricted use for this model include mirror choice compatible with laser, and observance of gravity mounting orientation for critical timing applications. See the Mechanical Drawing for dimensions. Also see the Application Notes in the Technical Information menu for important operational issues including: thermal mounting, user-built circuits, polarization, lifetime, jitter, vacuum operation, and contamination. See the Product Matrix page to compare laser shutter models.