Optical Power Handling: 2 W
Aperture: 3 mm
Switching Speed: 2 ms
Direct Drive: 5V DC
No Controller PCB Needed
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LST-5VDC Optical Shutter

Optical Shutter
Laser Safety Shutter
High Speed 50 Hz
Low Power Draw
Compact Package
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Optical Specifications

Aperture Diameter 3.0 mm
Typical Beam Diameter 1.0 mm
Max. Optical Power Handling 2 W
Laser Induced Damage Threshold 30 mJ/cm2 @ 10 ns

Performance Specifications

Open Delay Time 3.0 ms
Open Rise Time 2.0 ms
Open Total Time 5.0 ms
Close Delay Time 1.5 ms
Close Fall Time 2.0 ms
Close Total Time 3.5 ms
Min. FWHM Exposure 10 ms
Max. Shutter Repetition Rate 50 Hz (Continuous)

Thermal Specifications

Thermal Power Dissipation Holding Open 2.5 WATTS
Thermal Power Dissipation at 50 Hz 1.2 WATTS
Mounting Surface Datum A or Datum B

Electrical Drive

Electrical Drive Direct Drive 5 V at 500 mA
Nominal Magnetic Impedence 10 ohms
Cable/Wire Type, No. and Length 26 g Teflon, 2 leads,
18 in. twisted pair
Cable/Wire Termination Flying

Custom Options

Aperture 4.0 mm
Direct Drive 12 V at 200 mA
Optics Options 5 W Gold/Aluminum Optics
Higher LIDT 300 mJ/cm2 at 10 ns


Dimensions 2 in. x 1 in. x 0.4 in.
Classification Optical/Process
Specifications Date March 13, 2024


The high reliability LST-5VDC optical shutter provides the best value with 5V direct drive. Its compact 2” x 1” x 0.4” package size with 3mm aperture provides the optimum package to aperture size ratio. The electrical drive becomes the simplest form for users with 5V direct drive. Lowest cost electrical drive, a switch, is achieved. Thermal management becomes negligible with only 2.5W thermal power dissipation when holding open. Considerations for all laser shutters and optical shutters include proximity to high magnetic fields and strict observance of optical power rating. Subjecting the optical shutter to “large” size dust particles and debris could inhibit the optical shutter motion. See the Mechanical Drawing for dimensions. Also see the Application Notes in the Technical Information menu for important operational issues including: thermal mounting, user-built circuits, polarization, lifetime, jitter, vacuum operation, and contamination. See the Product Matrix page to compare laser shutter models.