High Energy Pulsed Laser Shutters

A high-energy pulsed laser shutter is a critical safety device for managing two to five joules of pulsed energy laser beams in various high-precision and safety-critical applications. It functions as a high-speed beam control by precisely blocking or allowing the laser beam to pass through, making it essential for applications that require exact timing and control of laser exposure. Laser shutters ensure both efficiency and safety in fields ranging from scientific research to medical treatments and industrial manufacturing.




Optical Power Handling: 100 W
Aperture: 15 mm
High Rep Rate: 10-15 Hz
High LIDT: 2 J/cm2 @ 10 ns
Wavelength: 1064, 532, 355 nm




Optical Power Handling: 300 W
Aperture: 16 mm
Switching Speed: 40 ms
LSTXYW8 Upgrade
1064/532/355/266 nm